News Year Resolution
How many of you make a News Year Resolution every year and break it? How many have already broke your News Year Resolution?
A good way to stay on track is to make yourself accountable for it. It is easy to say yeah I am going to do it this year and then don't follow up with it. So tell someone what your News Year Resolution and have them make sure you are living up to the goal you have set for yourself. You may not want people to know what your News Year Resolution is so write it down. Get a journal and log every day how you successfully made sure that you didn't break your News Year Resolution. This will help you on those hard days because you can look back and see why you have this goal and how you made it through all of those other days. Put a little reminder somewhere you know that you will see it that way it will be a constant reminder. Also make sure you are always positive about keeping your goal this will help you feel empowered to achieve it.
Keeping your resolution is hard because it is something new that you have to work at. For example maybe your resolution is to drink less because you feel like you are starting to drink a lot. It not going to be easy to cut back because it is something you have deemed normal and made a part of your everyday life for so long. Maybe you want to shed a few pounds in the new year that is not something that is just going to come easy to you. If you normally don't make time for the gym or making sure you have healthy food its going to be hard to change your mindset to constantly think healthy.
Lastly if for some reason you break your news years resolution don't just say "Oh whoops I broke that resolution. I guess I don't need to try to keep it now." This is something that you will have to learn to make a part of the new life you want for yourself. When you are learn to do something you will fail more than your succeed but as long as you get up each time you fail you will eventually succeed.
Keep trying, Make yourself accountable, and Stay positive! Those News Year Resolution will eventually work for you and you will feel better that you kept trying to keep it.
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