Paper Snowflakes
What a neat on budget idea to make snowflakes out of coffee filters. Coffee filters cost about $2-$3 dollars for approximately 200 filters. This are great to decorate with if you are on a budget for the holidays. You can tape them to windows or hang them from the ceiling (when hanging them I like to use fishing line because it is clear and harder to see if the illusion that they are hanging in mid air). Not only are these budget friendly but they are also really simple to do.
Step One: Grab your coffee filter and fold it in half (make sure you make a hard crease to keep the fold together).
Step Two: Fold it in half again
Step Three: An now again (This is the last time don't worry)
Step Four: Now here is the fun part! Draw a design on your snowflake don't worry if your not artistic its just to give the snowflake so dimension so it looks less like a coffee filter. (When drawing make sure you have areas that will be left on on sides of the fold so the snowflake with stay together).
Step Five : Cut out your design
Step Six: Unfold the paper. An Wal-lah you know have a snowflake!
The first one you do may not look that great it took me several years to actually make my snowflakes fancy and more in depth.
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